By Colin D. Baird
is a Japanese term for self reflection. Hansei-kai is time set aside to help
individuals and organizations look deeply within themselves to understand the
outcomes from specific improvement efforts. They comprise the Check function of
the Plan, Do , Check, Act (PDCA)
improvement cycle developed by Dr. W. Edwards Deming. Each is effective
when used to improve the Man portion of
the 4m's. (Man, Method, Machine, and Material). Of the 4M's, nothing is
more important than improving man and the culture in which he works. This leads
to active employee cooperation in improving business process, quality, and on
time delivery. In return, man's lost
self esteem, and dignity can be restored because their contribution in improving
the business matters to him.
Systems is known globally for their ability to connect people. Ironically, in
2001 their culture had become disconnected. They relied heavily on a handful of
executives to make decisions that impacted the entire organization. In addition
they faced a potentially fatal crisis since the economy was injured, and the
days of the tech bubble were gone. As a result, executives had to fight for the
corporation's existence. This led CEO John Chambers to re-examine his own
failings. By doing so, he realized the concentration of executive power within
a few in an organization of 38,000 had effectively disabled communications,
contributions, and cooperation throughout the rest of the company.
who wanted to retain their individual power found its loss painful. In
addition, during the Hansei-kai, individual failings, and negative
contributions to the culture had to become very personal. Executives were asked
to provide clarity about what behaviors they would not repeat in the
future. Many Americans are not used to such inward reflection, and fingers invariably got pointed during
this period. While this conflicted with the purpose of the Japanese use of the
Hansei, it probably reflects what many executives in America today have unfortunately become accustomed to.
what have the results yielded so far? Online reviews in 2014 of employees unfiltered comments confirm
improvements have largely been sustained. Sustaining positive organizational
change yet having a culture that recognizes one can always do better is
difficult. Mr. Chambers is well respected by employees and peers, and is the
5th longest standing CEO in tech history. Individual, and corporate failures
are shared without fear of retribution, and viewed as opportunities for improvement.
Self reflection has enabled Cisco to focus on customer value using
contributions from employees to accomplish their goals. They have even set up a
consulting business to help other businesses transform themselves. Command and
control architecture is gone. So are 80% of the executives who preferred the
old leadership style.
can be used for organizational improvement, but it's important to understand
the process.. The Plan phase requires
specific objectives, and plans be established for what is going to be
accomplished during Kaizen (1). In the Do phase, ideas are tested in small samplings. During Check, regular Hansei-kai events are
conducted to compare failings and successes of the new plan against those done
in planning. If outcomes are not as expected, more Hansei is conducted, and the
cycle of PDCA repeats itself. Once
outcomes can be proven statistically,
they can be introduced on a broader basis in the Act phase.
organizational development and process related tool can best help CEO's use to
implement Hansei, and Hansei-kai?
Military's After Action Review (AAR ) * 2
self analysis is a key to improvement, but is difficult in America 's traditional win-lose, and competitive
organizational structure. Conducting the Hansei to reflect upon failures in
one's life, and organizational development can help offset some of these
natural cultural tendencies. While the Japanese have built regular Hansei into
their lives, Americans have not. Because of this, executives may find its
purpose difficult to understand, and mimic. However, if it can become a routine
part of process improvement, it will c help others improve.
*1 see
*2 see